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It reaches this objective by efficiently using water, energy and all other resources; reduces waste, pollution and environmental degradation; and efficiently improves the indoor environment with the use of sustainable materials. 

Why should I consider Green Building? 

Green building is not a simple development trend; it is an approach to building suited to the demands of its time, whose relevance and importance will only continue to increase. The benefits to green building may be categorized along three fronts: environmental, economic, and social. On the environmental side you can expect emissions reduction, water conservation, waste management and temperature moderation. Focusing on the economic end, "going green" can raise property values, and show a drastic reduction in energy and water savings. Lastly the social aspect of building green and most important overall is a healthier lifstyle for you and your family. Building a green structure emphasizes ventilation and non-toxic, low emitting materials that create healthier and more comfortable living and working environments. 

The savings you can receive on an environmentally friendly home come from the efficiency of water, energy and other resources. Green building homes can also bring a better return on your investment if you choose to sell, as energy efficient homes can bring more money in through sale prices or rental properties. 


Energy efficiency

At minimum, an Earth Advantage home is designed to improve energy efficiency by 15 percent over a conventionally built home. The incorporation of products such as energy-efficient windows, appliances, mechanical systems and light fixtures can add up to lower energy usage and greater comfort year round.*

*Individual circumstance and savings will vary. Ask an Earth Advantage representative for details.

Indoor air quality The air inside your home makes a difference in how you feel every day, and indoor air quality is a high priority in the construction of an Earth Advantage home. With options like air filtration systems, controlled ventilation and low-toxic building materials, an Earth Advantage home may allow you to breathe a little easier.

Environmental responsibility The same building materials in an Earth Advantage home that improve indoor air quality also contribute to a cleaner environment, as less toxic products reduce atmospheric pollutants. Earth Advantage homes may also employ site measures that minimize environmental impact such as recycling job site waste, preserving topsoil and trees, and adding native plants to the landscape.

Resource efficiency Highly efficient appliances save energy and conserve our region's resources. Many items can be made with a high-recycled content, such as carpet crafted from plastic pop bottles, ceramic tile, paint and insulation. Flooring made from bamboo can make a big difference by minimizing the use of timber. Construction techniques such as steel framing, use of concrete foam blocks and brick will save wood in the home's structure. 

ENERGY STAR® homes are better built, more comfortable homes that save you money on your utility bills every month.  Every Northwest ENERGY STAR certified home has been built to meet energy efficient guidelines set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency. From energy efficient windows to advanced heating and cooling systems, ENERGY STAR homes guarantee greater savings, comfort and peace-of-mind. Simply stated, ENERGY STAR homes are built better for you and the environment.



News and Event

  • [15-06-2012]

     Developing Sustainable Relationships between Businesses and Community Groups in Southern Oregon